Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Here's the thing: I don't like to string up too many photo-free posts. No offense to those of you who don't do the photos. Your blogs have wonderful content, and that's really the whole point of blogging, right? And honestly, when it comes to quality, my photos are pretty low. They aren't usually even on-topic, although I think that adds to the overall ambiance of the blog. Its just that somehow I feel better about myself as a blogger if I can use lots of links and photos. Well, about the links: I just think links are cool. I'm eventually going to start linking to myself, just for fun. The photos, though: that's what separates a blog from a plain old journal. (in another case of quirky spelling ability, I spelled "ambiance" perfectly, but misspelled "separates". Twice).

I have an added treat for you readers, in fact two, really, because here we have some never-before-seen (by most of us) wedding photos, and the second treat is that I didn't take them (obviously), so you can see an example of somewhat fuzzy photos from someone other than me! (Sorry Matt. Your current photos are lovely. Just look how young the Boy and the Lt. look! Don't they look spiffy, in their little handsome suits?!

Also of note, many of you (okay, just the Boy) will recall me mentioning a song I had in college, called "a little drunk is better than dead," which I lost when my ancient MP3 player decided that death was, in fact, preferable to any other state, drunkenness included. Well, it turns out that Matt got the song from me, and has given it back, and it now lives on my current iPod, thanks to husband's ability top get iTunes running, and anyway, if you want it let me know. Hey, look, in this photo, some sort of blog-glare is creating a little shiny spot, up there near Ox! Maybe its a UFO, or rather a UCO (unidentified church-going object).

Wait a minute, you're thinking. Those photos aren't fuzzy at all! Well, folks, I promised fuzzy photos, and I am a skippy of my word so here:
See, fuzz. Maybe I should change the blog's name to: Skippy posts medium-to-low-quality, unrelated photos!

Anyway, big fun hanging out with the Leap types, thanks to both of them for trekking out into the wilderness. Which was what I really intended to post from the beginning.


engineeredmadness said...

Hey now! I knew of such a song and if you lost it you should have let me know, I could have emailed it to you. But nooo... we don't tell Stan stuff.

I think thought the last picture of us is quite nice. All blurry and you can't really see me. Very nice

Unknown said...

Wow, so in my defense, The Catholic Church could worship just as well in a bright and evenly lit cathedral, and then my crap old digital camera would work better.

I do feel like a minor celebrity however, having my photos featured on the premier knitting blog, that I know of.

MnFork said...

Well Stan, I would like the song if you are in an emailing mood.

Skip, you have some odd wordings in this one...