Sunday, October 7, 2007

Knit your bit!

The wonderful Knit your Bit project is in swing again for the fall/winter. If you knit or crochet, consider this project. Its not as media-friendly as Project Linus or the Red Scarf Project, both of which are excellent charities, but keep in mind, aging vets need love too. Some of these guys fought in WWII to stop Hitler. I think they deserve a nice, hand-made scarf. I'm thinking I'll knit up a Henry from Knitty. Anybody else plan to send a scarf?

What is it with knitters and charity? We all know by know that hand-knitting is not a cheap or efficient way to obtain clothing. The Industrial Revolution kicked knitting from common necessary work to expensive recreational activity. But knitters seem to feel the need to cover the world in costly, time-consuming knitwear. We knit for charity so that even people we'll never meet will get to wear hand-made gear. Is that something in the nature of the knitters themselves, a personality tick that goes hand-in-hand with the yarn-buying urge, or is it the knitting itself, some needle-fumes that induce the urge to give?

Discuss. The fishsticks just finished cooking.

1 comment:

engineeredmadness said...

fishsticks are yummy, i'd like some