Wednesday, January 28, 2009


running the clock in the Children's Museum

we really loved the art section

Nothing spruces up the Poe museum like a cheerful small boy with a monkey

What's a vacation without a stop at a Civil War site?! What sort of Virginans would we be if we didn't regularly pay homage to the War between the States??

The Widge is clearly less than impressed with Mr. Lincoln.

see, again, bombed-out antebellum ironworks + small boy with money = charming little photo

thats an actual half of a firetruck there. Also, that's Matt, for Stella, who never met him, and Stanley, who hasn't seen him in years.

SNOW!!! we got SNOW!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Many photos!

In no particular orderthe Widge drives his tractor on the tractor map at Tractorpalooza

Riding a horse (at Tractorpalooza)

Check out Uncle Nick's hat!

Milking a cow. The sign on the udder says: "squeeze gently. do not pull."

Someone got a shaving kit for Christmas.

a loader!!!!

enclosed cabs are much warmer

at the Amazonia portion of the zoo.

There were lots of old tractors at Tractorpalooza, of course

hey, there's me! At the caboose downtown

a Christmas gift in use.

I can't figure out how to flip videos. sorry!