Sunday, October 14, 2007

Insert witty title here

So VTech won, but the Boy didn't actually play. You can, however, see a photo of him all dressed up at Stan's Blog of Western Wonder. You can really only see him in the same sense that you saw Darth Vader (in episodes 4 and 5, I mean), and they are in fact similar, with the extreme height and the helmet, but as far as I can tell, the Boy doesn't kowtow to an evil Emperor, and he's never plotted the destruction of the Jedi, although now that he's in college, it's hard to keep up with the details of his personal life.

In other news, Penn did one of the voices on Handy Manny today. And for those of you brave enough to actually click that last link, you can further terrify yourselves by visiting the homepage of the Higglytown Heros, My Friends Tigger and Pooh, and that creepy Johnny and the Sprites. Just watch their little intros, then imagine watching these shows daily. Imagine the reruns. Imagine the marathons they occasionally show. Now you know why mothers crack up from time to time.

Of interest to you vehicle enthusiasts, we now own the latest issue of Muscle Car Review magazine. Because it was the only thing that could calm the Widge during his Wal-Mart screaming fit. We also now own a shoe-box sized police car, with doors that really open, and lights that flash, and sirens, and fun sounds, like the officer instructing you to "Pull over and stop the vehicle now!" What a fun toy, especially amusing while I'm driving along with the Widge in the backseat, and suddenly I see flashing lights in the rear-view...thanks, Tonka.

No photos, sorry. I still can't find the camera. Honestly I haven't been looking very hard, but I have almost finished Christmas knitting project #1 (well, really its just #1 because it'll be the first one done.) After Christmas I'll try to post some gift-photos, but of course I can't do that now. But to make up for the lack of photos, I've changed the font. I'm so tech-savvy!


engineeredmadness said...

ooo... color change... all high tech

momk said...

i like the shoe box size police car. and so does the widget.