Sunday, September 30, 2007

Skippy's Way-Back Machine

So yesterday we went to our little town's Hertiage Day to see the parade. I thought it was great, although in my slightly obsessive way I think it would have been better arranged in historic order: colonials first, then Civil War guys, and so forth. The Widge isn't burdened (yet) by my nit-picking, he just loved the horses and the old-fashioned fire engine, complete with dalmatian. Anyway, I didn't get photos, although I wish I had at least one good shot of the Cherokee Civil War guy, complete with feathers and war paint and loincloth. And since all us parade viewers were sitting on the curb, I can tell you: there wasn't anything under that loincloth. Luckily it wasn't a very windy day. Anyway, props for accuracy: I'm guessing the average Native type didn't wear tighties either. In fact, his disdain for pants-wearing may be the one point on which the husband is in sync with this Native ancestors. That and the appreciation for fire water.

Okay, the point here is that I do have pictures from historic events, the very pictures you are viewing in this post, and to further blow your mind, they're historic pictures, too. Yup, photos from my history, in which I interact with history.

Williamsburg rocks. All those guys wandering around in knee-britches and tri-corn hats, plus there's a great tea shop . If only there were more places where we could immerse ourselves in Colonial History! Of course it helps that I'm much skinnier in all my Williamsburg photos. See, in the Colonies, I'm thin! Hooray History!

So I guess I should re-title the blog, to reflect the content. Instead of "Skippy Knits" it should be "Skippy Visits and then Muses on Historic Sites and Events!"

Somehow it doesn't flow as well.

1 comment:

engineeredmadness said...

very nice. All historical. Now you have another comment. Do you feel better about life?