Saturday, December 22, 2007

What's the opposite of Exodus?

Introdus? Thats what's going on now. The hordes are descending upon our peaceful borough just in time for winter festivities. Well, there are really only two of them, but they're large, and seem like a horde.

Nick arrived yesterday, and has once again become the Widge's personal hero. For the next two weeks he (the Widge) will roam around saying: "Neek. Neek neek neek." That is, when he's not saing "Boom!" every time someone mentions turkey. That's because we were watching Mythbusters, and you'll all be happy to know the Widge really seemed interested, but of course they blew up a turkey, so thats certainly going to hold the attention of a small boy.

The last of the gifts arrived and was wrapped yesterday, so we've entered that little gully you fall into just before charging up the hill of Christmastide. We sent the cards, made the pirogi and the cookies, decorated the tree, bought the what? Here at the Skiphaus, we get to celebrate the anniversary of our graduation, which I did by watching my favorite movie from my college days: Fight Club. Its been at least 5 years since I saw it, but it's still good. Shockingly, I was only 18 when I first saw that in theaters. Gee whiz, I'm old!

Anyway, I say, enjoy this little bit before Christmas, the last few days before that pile of wrapping paper and toy bits appears in the living room, before cookie crumbs and sad shreds of ham are all that remains of the glorious feast. Although I remember many wonderful Christmases, I don't recall the food (unless it was terrible: I remember a peanut soup that I hated), and I don't necessarily remember the gifts, although one year I got a doll I had wished for. What I remember, year after year, is the warm, happy feeling of lounging around, with that glorious, glowing tree, and the anticipation of the gifts, the cookies, the food. So folks, don't sweat it, let a few things slide, and just put your feet up, enjoy your decorations, read the sweet Christmas messages your friends and relatives are sending, and be happy that its Christmastide.

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