Saturday, December 8, 2007


Did some Christmas shopping today, although really if Christmas suddenly appeared tomorrow, I'd be okay, shopping-wise. Still some knitting to do, but that's how it goes. Speaking of knitting, the new Knitty came out. I read it mostly for the articles, of course, but there are some very lovely patterns too, if that's your thing. This episode has a pattern for kilt hose, so you can see that this is serious knitting, not just potholders and dish rags (although I like knitting dish rags).

Meanwhile, I've come into some money, so I think I'll follow the example of my siblings and buy a hat. I like this one, in black. I like the colors on the brown, except the brown itself, since my coat and boots are all black, and I think the black is more versatile anyway. What do you think?

Widge has a cold, poor thing. He's sleeping peacefully, since we've turned the bedroom into a mini-rainforest, humidity-wise. So far the heavy eucalyptus scent is keeping the wildlife at bay: much as I'd like to save the rainforest, I'd hate to wake up and find sloths and tree frog in the bedroom.


engineeredmadness said...

awww, a cute little skip hat

momk said...

i like the one at cracker barrel better. not so many colors