Thursday, August 30, 2007

New Teeth!

Yes, we have two new molars at our house! The poor Widge has two molars coming in at once: synchronized teething, so you can imagine the crabbiness we've had here. In spite of that, he's been fairly cheerful and well behaved, and he's starting to talk somewhat understandably.

I think I have the allergies, because I've had this sort of runny nose going on, and general sleepiness which is possibly from the allergy meds. "Non-drowsy," is what they want you to think. Or maybe I just don't tolerate drugs very well. I could never be a drug addict (although I am addicted to a few other things: coffee, tea, yarn, fabric, books, and fancy soap). Speaking of addictions: new sewing project: pirate costume! Well, its really a generic medieval/Renaissance/colonial outfit to be used for halloween, festivals, parades, and other events. But I'm adding a few touches that will give it pirate flair, because I love pirate flair. Confused as to how one outfit can cover over 400 years of historical costuming? Its all about layering. I'll post pics when I'm done, I promise.

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