Thursday, August 23, 2007

Clean Car and Karate Kid!

Yes, that fabulous movie, beloved by 80s kids everywhere, is on TV!

Elsewhere, my brother just gave me a CD with photos of the Widge, including 32 photos of the Widge's first haircut (in April), so I'm posting one here, mostly to cover for the fact that I've lost my digital camera. Honestly, for most of the haircut he was a happy kid, but after a while the thrill wears off. I'm guessing the death grip granddad has on that skinny little arm isn't improving morale any.

So, as mentioned in the title, my car is clean. On the outside, of course: the inside remains a riot of Matchbox cars, too-small baby sandals, and CDs, cases smeared with diaper cream. I don't know how that happened. Most of what I own seems to be soaked with diaper cream, liberally doused with drool and cemented to other things with a crust of toddler snot. The physics of children's oozing abilities is like the flying of bumblebees: not mathematically possible, but it happens every day anyway. Anyway, back to the car: it was due for regularly scheduled maintenance, so we took it to the closest dealership, about half an hour's drive away. This particular dealership is owned by a family in our area who owns a whole pile of dealerships, and who sent all of their kids to my high school. The one in my grade sat behind me and kicked my chair through senior religion class, which kept me awake. But I don't hold grudges, I slept enough in college classes to make up for high school wakefulness, just like I'll rest enough when I'm dead to make up for motherhood.

About the knitting: the paradox of knitting blogs is that we start them to discuss our knitting, but the time spent blogging is time robbed from knitting. In my case it doesn't matter too much: I've been working on the same dishrag for about two weeks now, partially because the Widge helps out, partially because we've spent more time reading truck books, and partially because I've been working on stitching up the binding of my mom's table runner. My dishrag drawer is overloaded anyway, but of course the dishrags are bunking out with the napkins and kitchen towels, so if ever they had their own drawer, they'd probably need more friends. Thats how I justify my continued dishrag knitting. Anyone planning to set up house any time soon, if you need dishrags, I'll gladly knit you up a few. Lovely, handmade dishrags, all old-fashioned and heirloomy. Just let me know.

1 comment:

MnFork said...

did you get the movie or is that just some sort of inside joke?