Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Little Color

Yesterday I saw a few leaves changing color a bit. Well I didn't actually see them changing, they were already reddish. Anyway, I was happy about it, because Fall is my favorite season, and summer is my least favorite. All the heat and humidity, and I don't like the beach: I like to swim, but I hate getting sand everywhere. Plus, summer sucks if you wear glasses. You non-glasses-wearers don't think of it, but when it's 93 degrees and 98% humidity, that chunk of plastic on the bridge of the nose slides everywhere. Glasses don't breathe. And if you swimming, you either take them off, and wander around blindly, or else you swim in glasses, and they get all wet. Wet glasses are one of my big pet peeves.

Winter isn't any good for glasses either, they fog up all the time. Technology has moved us beyond glass lenses, luckily, because glass lenses contract in the cold and fall out of the frames. Its hard to find something transparent when you can't really see.

In spite of all this, glasses are easier than contacts. I don't mind sticking my finger in my eye (the Widge jabs my eyes all the time) but I have really dry eyes, and anyway there's been all this news about blindness caused by various contact drops. I hate all the fussy cleaning contacts need.

So Fall is better, and I'm happy to see it coming soon.

No pictures, for a long time, but if you want photos, visit: Matt's Road Trip.

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