Sunday, November 18, 2007

unravel update!

Just this evening I watched a Disney cartoon, I think it was called "On Ice," it starred Mickey, Donald, Goofy, etc. Anyway, Donald begins to blow away, which is apparently a major hazard if you're animated, and Mickey grabs the edge of his sweater. It unravels, but only the body: the sleeves and neckline remain in tact. Okay, this could happen. It might not be as easy as it looks on T.V, but I think if the sweater were knitted in the round, it could work. I've never tried to unravel a sweater, though. Anyone with actual sweater unraveling experience, please feel free to comment.


engineeredmadness said...

it seems you should experiment. Get a 50,000 dollar grant from the government, as this could be very important to the nation. We don't want a sweater unraveling knowledge gap

engineeredmadness said...

I have looked up the gila monster online

momk said...

you think to much