Friday, November 9, 2007

Since you're dying to know

The Wonder Pets were great. They sang in the style of Gilbert and Sullivan, Frank Sinatra, and Andrew Lloyd Webber, with some Dixieland thrown in. The Widge loved it, he loved the coloring page afterward and all in all, it was a huge success. In fact I'm planning to add a Wonder Pets DVD to the Christmas list, because there's a certain monkey who is starting to get on my nerves. The show is still good, but I've seen all 24 of our DVD episodes over and over and over. To make matters worse, husband still thinks they're hilarious, and keeps quoting them at random moments, usually when I finally have three minutes in a row to try and read my book club book. What is it about reading that inspires the urge to involve you in conversation? It's just like the dentist thing, where they have to talk to you when those pointy things are in your mouth. I can't believe we actually pay people to poke us in the gums with mini-spears. But back to the books: seriously, people who ignore me when I'm wandering around at social events go out of their way to talk to me when I try to read. The worst is that perfectly spaced random comment thing, where after making one dumb remark, they wait just long enough for you to go back to concentrating before making the next remark. It bothers me more now because I have less time to read.

Anyway, the point is that you should all watch an episode of WonderPets, they're only half an hour long, but the songs do get stuck in my mind, but that could be because my defenses are already worn down after months of George, Mickey, and those annoying Higgly-types. I' thinking once we shove these sniffles out, there will be less time spent slugging in front of the T.V, and it will matter less. That's the plan, anyway.

In knitting news, there isn't any, sorry. No new completions, no interesting ideas, although the knitting group was fun, and we hope to have a few more members next month, and we'd like to do some type of charity knitting to benefit someone in the county (and I think I've been unofficially elected to head that project). See, there is actual knitting content, so I don't have to change the blog name to Skippy-searches-desperately-for-something-other-than-George-to-watch.


engineeredmadness said...

yes..less tv slugging is good

momk said...

now you really know why all moms are crazy.