Saturday, November 17, 2007

If you want to destroy my sweater...

That Weezer song has been playing alot, and while its a good song, it bothers me. Every time I hear that song, I mentally search through all the sweater constructions I know of, as I'm pretty sure that there is no way to unravel a finished sweater by simply holding a piece of the yarn as the wearer walks away. You could certainly destroy it, or at least render it challenging to repair, but as far as I can tell, the former sweater wearer will never be entirely sweater-less, contrary to what cartoons would have us believe. I wonder if all those cartoons have somehow led us to value knitting less. As if somewhere in the back of everyone's mind, we worry that someday we'll be swept up in a strong breeze, or floating toward a waterfall, and when our friends try to pull us to safety by grabbing a sleeve, they'll end up unraveling our sweaters, so that we'll be doomed and underdressed. Blazers are much safer, they can't be reduced to a heap of yarn with a little tug. Well folks, trust your knits, they can't be undone nearly as easily as Weezer would have us believe.

1 comment:

MnFork said...

so there isn't a master thread holding sweaters together? why didn't you tell me this before i drafted my world domination plans, small matter though, because i have not acted on these plans i simply must rework them instead of failing and looking rather silly