Friday, January 11, 2008

Visit the NRA

I think its time to pause in the essay, which will continue in the next post. The world is different than when I originally wrote it, back in 2000, so I feel the need to state a few things firmly:

1) DO NOT shoot people. Don't even shoot at people. In fact, don't ever shoot anything in a direction where there might be people.

2) Obey the law. If you aren't allowed to own a gun, don't do it. Support your local law enforcement agency.

Thats about it.

Meanwhile, not much happening, still have a cold, Widge still has a cold. Hope you guys don't have colds!


engineeredmadness said...

Boo to colds! I'm coming down with one too. Its no fun.

momk said...

way too strong in your political opinions. but i would rather that than anpathic.