Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I have new yarn! This is when I really need my camera, to show you all the glory of new wonderful yarn. I went to my new LYS (thats local yarn store, for you non-yarn-types): My Favorite Yarn Shop. They had alpacas there, much to the Widge's delight. He insisted they were bears, but eventually managed to almost say "alpaca." He just saw a photo of his uncle, the Boy, and told me: "Vroooom!" I asked if thats what Uncle The Boy says, and he repeated: "vroooom!" So uncles go vroom. Bendy skeletons growl, apparently. And bears, so he tells me, walk around saying" bear, bear, bear." Giraffes also say their name as they walk around, and zebras just stomp stomp stomp. Motherhood has really taught me alot about the natural world. My knowledge now approaches that of Pliny the Elder. Widge hasn't started explaining the uses of powdered rhino horn, or the eating habits of winged dragons, but I'll keep you posted.

Regarding some of the fine comments you've left (all three of you who read the blog):
Nick: no, I don't own Karate Kid, much to the husband's dismay, but it comes on the TV alot.

and Nat, who hasn't commented: I changed the settings for comments so you should be able to leave one now.

Got a copy of Vogue Knitting. Their patterns are certainly more fashion-conscious than Interweave's, but there are always some intriguing ideas. I was just interrupted mid-sentence by a toddler who dragged me to the TV chanting: "George, George, George!" Which leads to the next thought: remember how I said that PBS should put Curious George in the 7:30 time-slot, opposite Higglytown Heros? Well now it is! The hero today, by the way, was the camel.

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