Saturday, September 29, 2007


Widge is sick. For some reason, sick toddlers try hard to sleep less often than usual. So nothing much has been going on except we don't sleep much lately.

So I'll complain about knitting needles. I'm knitting some lace, so I bought size 0 Addi Turbos. And the tips are so dull, they're as dull as my wit after a week of sick-Widge. Why would anyone make size 0s with dull tips? I'm not asking for super-sharp lace tips (although that would be nice) but seriously, the only thing you can knit on size 0s is lace or socks, right? If you knit lace, you need some sharpness, for your sanity, and if you knit socks, a bit of a sharp taper doesn't hurt. I could have bought bamboo straights, but it just seems that size 0 bamboo needles are just asking to be broken.

Speaking of broken, the coffee pot leaked on my cell phone, so if you haven't already gotten my new number, it means I lost my contacts, so please e-mail me:, so I can give you my new phone number.

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