Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Adventures in American History

Ordinarily the Manassas battlefield is a place I drive through on my way to Barnes and Noble. But today, like a tourist, I went. (Manassas is the site of the first and second battles of Bull Run, for my fellow northerners. This would be during the Civil War [War Between the States, or even War of Northern Aggression, for my southern friends], not my war of expertise, to the extent that I had to wiki the year of the battle).
Look at that cute stone house in the back of the photo. Its the Stone House! Those crazy southern landowners and their inventive place names!

luckily for us, there was a little reenactment going on.

The Widge and his Uncle/Hero inspected the mighty Bull Run. Clearly this is a Force of Nature, totally worthy of not one, but two battles being named after it.

I'm pretty sure this is how the Union Army forded the mighty rapids in 1861.

Of course the cannons were the highlight. The Widge carefully counted each one: there were ten, because thats how high he can count. All in all it was a great day, and we've planned even more great treks into history, so stay tuned. Meanwhile I bought a comic book about the first battle of Bull Run, so hopefully I'll actually learn something.


Anonymous said...

This topic have a tendency to become boring but with your creativeness its great.

Unknown said...

looks like a fun outing, having read the wiki article, wasn't this the one that they came from DC to spectate? I'm also enveious that your brother can pull off the hat and shorts look, I myself dont think I could.