Sunday, February 24, 2008

the promised pictures

See, through the magic of photography, I can create a post with minimal writing effort. The Lt. does is sometimes. Matt does it all the time. Well, not all the time, only on the rare, very rare, occasions that he blogs at all. Speaking of rare blogging, sorry I haven't updated more frequently. For whatever reason, February is just a draining month this year. And of course my life doesn't tend to offer much blog-worthy excitement. I don't feel too guilty, because there are plenty of you who blog far less often. You know who you are.

Anyway, regarding the photos, the husband took them, so they provide an interesting comparison point to my generally lousy photos, as well as a wonderful opportunity to see some pictures of me! In this first one, for example, I can only assume he was intending to focus on the Widge there, poking the ground with a stick. I'm the chubby, non-uniformed torso in the back, chatting with a militiaman.
This second photo is a tent in the Hessian camp. I'm not sure exactly what they keep in it, since its roughly the size of a small broom closet, and I'm guessing they didn't bring brooms along. In this one, I'm saying "no, stand still, just a minute, just one minute and then you can run, look at daddy, please just look at daddy, see, right there, he's the one with the camera, no, please stand still..." Not my best angle. I'm taller in real life.

Hey, a photo that blissfully does not include me! These are Hessians of some sort. I'm thinking that lemon yellow isn't the ideal color to wear into battle. It seems a little obvious. I'm thinking these are like the pledges, if they survive the lemon-yellow phase, they can move on to a better looking uniform. Something like this, complete with really shiny pope-looking hats:

"Hey, Franz, being a protestant mercenary iz cool. Ve get to vear pope-schtyle hats, und vith all the money rolling into our country, ve'll eventually be able to take over ze vorld!"

"Ja, Hans. It makes up for ze fact zat our accents vill be made fun of for drei hundert years!"

Check out the kickin' mustaches on these guys.


engineeredmadness said...

hooray for photos!

momk said...

widge pictures are better then having either you or mark in them

engineeredmadness said...

just a note, don't click on zulkijora's links and all.

engineeredmadness said...

oh little skippy... why have you attracted soo many crappy comments?