Sunday, February 17, 2008

Field Trip!

First off, I know you'll all join me in wishing our Forky friend a happy birthday.

Additionally, please go visit the W blog for some great stuff about being politically informed. Lack of political interest makes the founding fathers cry, people.

Speaking of which, in celebration of Washington's birthday, we went to a Revolutionary re-enactment, a rare treat here in Civil War Central, where you can't actually call it "civil" and must instead refer to the "War Between the States," or, my personal favorite "The War of Northern Aggression." This was an especial delight because of the presence of some Hessians. The Widge was delighted: during the battle he shouted orders like a general: "March! More men, more march! March, march! Boom! More boom! More big boom!" Of course this isn't his first battle: less than a month after he was born, we went to a Memorial Day re-enactment of a WWII skirmish at the Pennsylvania Military Museum. Anyway, we had a wonderful time, and the Americans won, which was good. So happy President's Day to all. Photos coming soon-ish.