Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I Voted Today!

Did you? Okay, most of you probably didn't, cause you live in other states. But this voting thing is serious, and I want you all to think hard about it.

Other than that, not much going on around here. Its raining, the Widge is talking more and giving lots of kisses, and apparently there's some holiday coming up with all the hearts.


engineeredmadness said...

I would like to say that I did in fact vote. Not today mind you, I sent my ballet in before coming to this state. So you can be proud of me, for I did voted!

Swtgrace said...

I didn't vote! I glanced at the process and it was all too difficult, so there! Despise me if you dare!

Unknown said...

Sadly I didn't vote in my primary either, mostly to skirt the issue of were I technically reside. I'm going to have to sort it out before November.