Wednesday, April 29, 2009

this time they are from NC

from Rutherfordton, the Warrenton of the Carolinas! I love the name, Rutherfordton. If I were going to create a fictional, deep South, Dukes-of-Hazard-style town, I'd call it Rutherfordton. Anyway.

The main benefit of going to Rutherfordton seems to be the fabulous children's museum. We don't have that here (although we have both a quilting and a knitting shop. They only have quilting). We especially loved the fire truck section.
they also had a nice train table, which, unfortunately, was mostly mobbed by annoying field trip kids. I don't recall being nearly as obnoxious on my field trips as the small children of North Carolina were the week that I was in town. And really, with lovely museums like this, there's no reason for such behavior. Look at this fantastic little farm! All these veggies are actualy fitted into the rows using shaped pegs, which the child matches to the correctly shaped hole. This is Agriculture plus Geometry, and the Widge adored it! He was very focused, really a wonderful farmer, carefully planting, "watering", harvesting...these are the memories I cling to when he gets into a destructive mood.

Look! He even got to ayak on "Lake Lure"! This was a great museum, it ranks up with the Richmond one as the best we've yet seen. Thumbs up, Rutherfordton!

This is the one thing that puzzled me, though. Rutherfordton, although just barely to the east of the Appalachians, is apparently three minutes ahead of New York City.

We tried not to stress over it too much: instead we went to McDonald's!

Stay tuned: my next post will feature photos from the Catabwa Science Center, which was so nice, we visited twice!