Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spencer Yard

in North Carolina
Widge rode the train with Matt's parents.There's Matt in a caboose.
there was also a small car museum that had the good sense to have an old firetruck.

this must be the lowest budget fight simulator ever. If you train on this long enough, you might almost be prepared to pilot some complex machine like a little red wagon.
Widge cons a ride from an unsuspecting but kindhearted fellow.
This is a costume from Leatherheads, because part of t was filmed here.

there were, of course, plenty of trains. Lots and lots of trains. But sadly, no more pictures. I'll post more from our fabulous vacation later!

1 comment:

engineeredmadness said...

Hooray! Blogging!!!

Hooray!! Pictures!!!!!!!