Friday, November 24, 2006


It seems to be customary for people to list what they're thankful for on Thanksgiving. While that's a swell idea, I'll pass for now. I've got a whole lot to be thankful for, especially those nifty little plastic containers they put baby food into now, but I think the whole list would just get very sappy, and I'm not the sappy type.

As usual, there were far too many pies. MIL made 4 pumkin pies, and I think 2 each of apple and cherry. There were 4 people in attendance, not counting Crabby, since he's too young for pie (much to his dismay). If there's ever an international pie shortage, MIL will be able to fix it right quick.

But that's all the complaining. Honest. Because after years and years of grumbling for various reasons, I've learned an important lesson: Thanksgiving is only as hyped-up as you make it. If you choose to view it as just another day, albeit a day with a surprising abundance of pies, you won't be disappointed by dry turkey, or too much football, or any other occurance that prevents you from living in the Norman Rockwell painting. Or rather, I won't be disappointed.

Anyway, soggy pie still beats that cabbagte soup we had one year.

For a knitting blog, there isn't much knitting yet. Sorry. I'm knitting for charity right now, and I don't like to talk about my charity knitting: just one of my quirks. Don't worry (as if anyone was); soon I'll be starting Hus-bun socks, and there will be lots to kibbitz about!

1 comment:

Margot said...

Love your Thanksgiving lesson. Last year's Thanksgiving with the ILs was when I got to learn that lesson. I grew up in a house where the TV was turned off for meals, and at holidays, we sat around and visited, no TV, just yak yak yak. MIL set up a table in front of the TV for BILs and the nephews. I had a hard time with that. TV DURING dinner!???! After dinner I could swallow, but during?

Anyway, thanks for the perspective. I'm going to spend Xmas with the same crew, hopefully I'm ready for anything now.