Wednesday, November 22, 2006

So much yarn, so little time

I'm extremely prone to take out a whole bunch of something, just to have within arm's reach. Books, for example: if a certain topic is in the back of my mind, I'll go around and gather a pile of books on that topic, put them near my chair, and flip through them idly over several weeks. Yarn too; I'm always dragging out a heap of yarn or needles or patterns or something, just so that they're nearby.

There are so any things to knit. And clearly I'm not disciplined enough to stop collecting new things before I've finished the old ones. Initially Hus-bun didn't understand my stockpile urges, but he's slowly come to accept them. And he eats spaghetti-os cold, out of the can, with a serving spoon. So we all have out little quirks.

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