Monday, December 8, 2008

lots of photos

look, a cool caterpillar train! See, the botanical gardens actually rock!

in keeping with the theme, here we actually pet a caterpillar.
we also built mooses at build-a-bear here we see mooses getting bathed. (different day, as you'll note by the wardrobe change)
this is the line to see Santa at our local mall. in this section, we were inside a snowglobe and it was actually snowing. here's the face we make when mom asks us to stop playing in fake snow for 35 seconds so she can take a train photo. mom is a square.
Santa, on the other hand, is cool.

later (on a whole other day) we went downtown, because Santa arrives on a friday evening evey year. We took part in the living nativity, where clearly the wise men are wondering why they don't get to wear cool Batman hats

and, just for retro appeal, here we are in front of the Scoti's window, all decked for Christmas, and complete with two trains.

Enough photos?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Skippy!!! guess what I got a blog too (Jennifer's Blah Blog)!!! woot for me! btw those pics of Max are too cute for words.. n e ways im lookin forward to seein you on the 19th