Monday, November 3, 2008


the Widge's Halloween costume. The hat is the best part, for which I take no credit. We bought it on our recent trip to the Renaissance.

but the real message of the day is: go vote!

many of you have already voted. Good for you. The rest of you need to vote: if you do not vote, you're permanently off my Christmas card list. If you do vote for Obama, you're off my list this year (except for you, McGinty: if you vote Obama and New Mexico goes for Obama, you're off my list this year. If New Mexico goes McCain, then you're on the list regardless of your vote).

Also: I've heard (and made a few) complaints about the political ads, the robo-calls, the friendly partisans that phone occasionally to chat you up...the thing is, this is a party, a festival of democracy. Every so often we hold these bloodless mini-revolutions, and we do t with parades and streamers and chats with strangers cross-country. Election day is the greatest party ever thrown, a nation-wide celebration of self-determination. Election day is our actual Independence Day, the re-affirmation that we are the greatest country of all. Enjoy those calls, enjoy the ads, enjoy the festivities of Election Day!

(if you're interested in my personal and professional opinion, I think Obama is probably going to win. I also think it might turn out, in the long run, to be helpful to the GOP: we need to revamp the party, bring in some fresh blood and young ideas. We need some green Republicans, we need social justice, we need compassion for our fellow men. All you greenies and libertarians, stop fooling around with your splinter parties and come to the Party: we need you!)

Anyone who sends me a photo of their "I voted" sticker: I'll post it to my blog with a big shout-out to you hero-citizens. To that end:

Existing Hero-Citizens:

Woo-hoo to all of you!


engineeredmadness said...

I did voted!

But alas, I got no sticker.

Saoirse Photo said...

hehe yeah i know you weird absentee voters....

i'll be going to vote in a few minutes :-D

Saoirse Photo said...

so i voted...and i had a sticker, and i was going to take a picture and send it to you, but then i was lifting some boxes and in doing that ending up guilt tripping the head chaplain into helping me and the sticker was lost along the way. :-(