Friday, September 12, 2008

a new bumper sticker

yup, the Bush one is gone. Look at that crack on my bumper, yeesh, and i don't even technically own the car yet.

For all of you who are subjected to my regular Disney-related updates: look for the meal times e-mail soon, whenever i actually get myself sufficiently in gear to dig out the paper we scribbled on at lunch the other day. I'm trying to cram an hour of work in every day, but some days I'm just too darned lazy.

Also: I got fingerprinted today! They didn't use any ink at all: they use this little computer device. Now the Fauquier Human Resources has access to my fingerprints, in a digital format that they can most likely apply to all sorts of stuff: t-shirts, commemorative plates, travel mugs, playing cards...

1 comment:

Saoirse Photo said...

hehe finger printing is fun! i had the little cadets at the fairfax co. courthouse do mine. they needed a little more training, as opposed to the police chief here in alamo who with ink had me in and out and with clean hands in half the time!