Tuesday, August 19, 2008

two days of adventure!

so, apparently I'm to bog about boating, so here goes: we went boating. We took a canoe around the lake at Crockett park (I think its lake Germanna but I'm not actually sure at all) for about two hours. The Widge loved it.

Today we went to the Smithsonian Museum of Natual History, or whatever their fancy official title is (I'm actually a card-carrying Smithsonian member, so I don't have to be all formal and official). We got to ride the metro (with our new favorite, Orange Bear, courtesy of Beloved Venerable Uncle Nick. On the way home, it was Orange Bear, Cuddlesaurus, Dinosaur, and "Bat" who is also a dinosaur)

The Widge loves Natural History! But honestly, who doesn't love the opportunity to squint into the yawning jaws of a crocodile?! (this was actually a severed and clear-coated crocodile head. The Widge marched right up with his magnifying glass, peered closely at the teeth, and said: "hmmm...")We saw dinos, bugs (Widge held a fat green caterpillar), skeletons of all sorts of things, the super-cool new mammal hall, but not the giant squid. The giant squid wasn't receiving callers today. I think he's on holiday or something. He'll be back (and better than ever) on 27 September. Mark your calendars, go ahead, I'll wait.

Also today, the Widge rode his first carousel!
This is the Carousel on the Mall, which is a little carousel, but cool enough to give "Carousel on the Mall" stickers to all their young riders. No sticker for me. I must not have been enthusiastic enough.
Or maybe the fact that I didn't actually sit on one of the little horses counted against me. Whatever.

Sorry for the general lack of history museum photos. Its too exciting to be pausing for photos. The world of history is a fast-paced, adrenaline fueled roller-coaster, or at least it is when you're 2.

In other news, I recently got an e-mail from the Disney company (in response to a request I'd made), to the effect that they have no plans to release either "Fly with Von Drake" or "Scrooge McDuck and Money" on DVD any time soon. This is a travesty. Stop what you're doing now and send them an e-mail about it. I'll wait.

Are you back? that was actually the end of my post!

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