Monday, December 4, 2006

giant man-socks

My baby brother has size 17 feet. He loves to receive hand-knit socks, so I've done my share of massive, takes-forever, why-did-I-choose-stockinette-for-this socks. But he really enjoys them, and they're great in-between projects, to clear my mind. Like after I read a really intense book, one with a bunch of detail, or where the characters really became "real", or one that introduces a whole new idea, and then I need to read a few mindless cheap romance novels to clear my mind before the next really meaty book.

I never knit anything much for the Hus-bun, and it never occured to me to wonder why. But now, four inches into his manly socks, I understand. He has the world's beefiest ankles. Seriously. as in, if I just kept going on this sock, it would easily be a sleeve for me. This is one big sock: not long, but with plenty of girth allowance. Big, big socks. (I'll post photos later, right now I have a cold and I don't want to move.)

This is why I won't knit sweaters. (Actually my whole knitting life is a series of excuses for not knitting sweaters. I have Sweater Guilt, like I feel that, as a knitter, I should have a sweater or two to my credit.) Anybody who would appreciate and wear one is either so insanely tall, or as wide around as a small island. Thats just too much commitment to one project for me. They'll have to be happy with the mutant man-socks instead.

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